Resistance Flooring

Slip Resistance Flooring for Beverage Facility

Why Slip Resistance Flooring is Vital to a Beverage Facility

The food and beverage flooring and manufacturing industry is prone to liquid spillages on a daily basis. Inside beverage manufacturing facilities, the floors are frequently coated in liquids, which can lead to slippage and safety incidents. In that case, slip resistance flooring ensures the safety of beverage processing. To ensure the safety of the staff and […]

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Food and beverage floor

How Polyscreed® Can Improve Safety In Food And Beverage Facilities

The food and beverage flooring industry has numerous safety and health considerations that need to be taken into account. Among the many factors that play a role in ensuring the safety of food products and the well-being of personnel involved in manufacturing, flooring is often overlooked.  The significance of acid/chemical-resistant flooring that is non-slip and

How Polyscreed® Can Improve Safety In Food And Beverage Facilities Read More »

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